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From      : The University of Queensland <>

To           :

Date       : Apr 25, 1:04 AM


Dear Prof. Dr. Ir  Deny Sengkey, MM,MBA,PhD,


Thank you for registering for the UQ Information Day in Jakarta - we're looking forward to meeting you!

In case you need them, here are the event details again:


  • Date: Saturday 6 May, 2017

  • Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm

  • Where: Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta

  • Address: Jl. Asia Afrika No.8, Gelora, Tanahabang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10270, Indonesia

  • Countdown to UQ Information Day...

  • Program detail


We'll be ready to answer all your questions about life and study at UQ at the Information Day. While you wait:


check out our Facebook page to see what #UQlife is like, search our programs to find a degree that interests you and use the event program to plan which speakers you'd like to see at the Information Day

 Bubble Soccer


We look forward to meeting you!


Team @ UQ International

The University of Queensland

P: +61 3 8676 7004

P: 1800 671 980 (free call within Australia)


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Dear Prof. Dr. Ir. Deny Sengkey  MM, MBA, PhD


The following content has been published or updated on CORDIS since nguage='en'


Improving dementia care with patient-focused apps


EU-funded researchers have developed new apps that enable healthcare workers to provide more personalised care to dementia sufferers.

Date: 2014-12-08

Accelerating the International Growth of Europe’s Most Innovative ICT Startups and SMEs


The ACE programme has delivered over the last 27 months support to more than 130 high potential ICT startups and SMEs from 18 European countries to accelerate their international growth. Now this experience is documented in a practical guide with tips and tricks.

Date: 2016-01-11

Smarter farming: Call for innovative agricultural apps


EU funding has been made available for web entrepreneurs interested in fostering smarter agriculture across Europe.

Date: 2015-01-13

An open source tool to share data from Europe’s libraries and museums


The ALIADA project is developing a tool that will allow libraries, archives and museums to automatically publish and link the content they host.

Date: 2014-11-04

Better together: improving the management of ‘systems of systems’


The three-year DYMASOS project has tackled the management of systems of systems - how independent technologies can be harnessed to work together to optimise overall outcomes. With the development of the ‘Internet of Things’, the ability to do this is becoming even more important.

Date: 2016-11-11

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Your funding alert is online. Check the new EU call tenders of the week


From     Marine RossiAdd contact

Sender Marine RossiAdd contact

To           uipm@ptgsa.comAdd contact

Date      Thu 22:30


Newsletter - Eurofunding online, April, 27th 2017

Calls for proposals


DCI - A Regional Hub for structured dialogue - 2017

Deadline : June 7th 2017


The global objective of this call for proposals is to promote citizen engagement and political participation of young women and men, empowering them to assume a central and visible role in addressing common social challenges in partnership with peers to the South and North of the Mediterranean... more


EIDHR & Thematic support to civil society organizations - Morocco - 2017

Deadline : June, 9th 2017


The general objective of this call for proposals is to support Moroccan civil society initiatives in order to consolidate and strengthen their participation and their own strategies in the promotion of human rights and democratic reforms; Provide specific support to... more


HORIZON 2020 - Information and communication technology call

Deadline : September, 26th 2017


Electronics, microsystems and embedded systems underpin innovation and value creation across the economy and society. The objective is to reinforce Europe's stronghold positions in these areas and to capture opportunities arising in new growth markets driven by ... more



800 million euro available for cross-border energy infrastructure


The European Commission is releasing 800 million euro of funding for projects in the areas of electricity, gas and smart grids infrastructure. The call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility - Energy (CEF) will be open until 12 October 2017. The projects will  strengthen the EU's internal energy market, enhance security of energy supply, and... more





Initiated in 1989 by the European Union, the INTERREG program aims to encourage and finance joint and cross-border projects with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Today, there are more than 100 programs along the EU's internal and... more


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From ICDE <>


Apr 27 , 10:42 PM


ICDE Newsletter - 27 April 2017



ICDE Inspiration seminar webinar highlights the internationalisation of the online open, distance, technology enhanced learning community

ICDE would like to thank participants and the speakers who yesterday, took part in the Inspiration seminar webinar to mark the occasion of the move to new offices. 200 participants registered from over 66 countries to hear presentations on:

Internationalisation, Collaborative Online International Learning – a teaser',


Jon Rubin, former director COIL, Suny, USA, highlighted to participants the emerging field of collaborative online international learning, a teaching and learning methodology that fosters exchange between faculty and students with peers abroad through Internet-based communication tools. For more information on COIL email

'Virtually Inspired: From holographs and educational games, to drones and robots, 21st century educators are forging new and amazing trails in technology-enhanced teaching and learning.'


Susan Aldridge, Senior vice president for Drexel University and President of Drexel University Online, and Marci Powell, Senior researcher to Drexel University Online and Chair Emerita and Past President for US Distance Learning Association, USA, presented on the exciting possibilities offered through technology enhanced learning, presenting examples of some the best case studies. 

Those interested in finding out more and staying up to date on the latest exciting and innovative case studies can subscribe to the website Virtually Inspired. A resource where educators can come for inspiration by perusing video showcases below to see how creative professionals around the globe are infusing technology with learning. Find out more here


During the ICDE Inspiration seminar webinar ICDE Secretary General also provided a presentation that drew a broad picture showing how flexible learning has the capacity to transform education, labour market and society, based on the societal needs and the agreed sustainable development goals.

More information...


ICDE members of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee send warm greetings to mark the occasion of new offices

ICDE Board of Trustees and Executive Committee members were invited by the Secretariat  to share a short video to mark the move of the ICDE to new offices. These videos were shared with delegates at the Inspiration seminar webinar on the 26 April.

View the videos here


Call for nomination for ICDE Prize of Excellence 2017
It is time to nominate candidates for the ICDE Prize of Excellence 2017!

The ICDE Prize of Excellence was inaugurated in 1999 as the global prize of excellence in open and distance education. ICDE is pleased to announce that ICDE Prizes of Excellence will be awarded in October 2017, at the 27th ICDE World Conference in Toronto, Canada, to deserving institutions and individuals for the highest possible excellence in the fields of open and distance education.

More information...


Hear from leading experts on Learning Analytics at the 2017 ICDE Leadership Summit, 22-23 May, Nancy, France.

The ICDE Leadership Summit is to be hosted by UNIT at Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France with the theme: “Adaptive learning and learning analytics: possible consequences for leadership management”. The Summit invites for many types of leaders in education, particularly those who have an interest in learning and teaching in the digital age.


A packed programme will engage delegates by covering issues relating to policy on learning analytics to ethical issues, management and methodology. Delegates can also look forward to hearing from the following confirmed speakers 

Tian Belawati, Former President of ICDE and Rector of Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia. Professor Tian Belawati is a highly regarded academician, researcher, and practitioner in the field of open and distance learning (ODL).

Neil Fassina is the President of Athabasca University. Prior to Athabasca, he served as the Provost and Vice President Academic at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.


Professor Rafael Molina is a native of Mexico is currently is completing a Ph.D in Organizational Leadership.

Jean-Marc Meunier, Maitre de conférences. Laboratoire Paragraphe EA 349, Université Paris 8. Is undertaking research to focus on the relationship between knowledge structures and processes of understanding, reasoning and production especially the impact of initial knowledge on mistakes, learning difficulties and ways to remedy them.

For more confirmed speakers and the full programme click here...

It is not too late to register:


Invitation: Institutional members of ICDE that already have activities in Learning Analytics (LA), are invited to take part in the ICDE Cluster for Learning Analytics.

A number of ICDE members are taking up Learning Analytics, and it is suggested that Learning Analytics has a great potential for improving quality outcomes of higher education. Members who have entered in to the field with a strategic approach and/or already have activities related to Learning Analytics are therefore invited to take part in the ICDE Cluster. The idea is to foster expertise, collaboration and leadership, and to promote good practice for other interested and newcomers to the field.

The first meeting will take place at the ICDE Leadership Summit, 22-23 May in Nancy, France, in the afternoon 23 May.

More information...


27TH ICDE World Conferenc: Deadline extended for Call for Proposals

To accommodate the many presenters contributing to a high quality and engaging program for all World Conference delegates, the Call for Proposals deadline is extended to June 30, 2017. Already, more than 250 individuals from 24 countries around the world responded to the Call for Proposals to present at the World Conference on Online Learning. 

More information...


Visionary Leadership for Digital Transformation: Higher Education for the sustainable future we want is hosted by UNESCO and co-organized with D-Transform and ICDE at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris 24 May.

Delegates can look forward to partaking in an experienced based orientation focusing on educational leadership in the digital transformation panel discussion, and two different parallel sessions.


The Strategic sessions will highlight various aspects of leadership and strategies for digital transformation of education.  Hear from international  speakers from the University of Delhi, India; University Duisburg Essen, Germany; State Univ of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Open University, UK; UNED, Spain; Dublin City University; Twente University, Ireland /Netherlands; Augusta University, USA; West Saxon University of Zwickau, Germany; International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Italy; Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil and the UNESCO Regional Bureau For Education in the Arab States. 


The Showcase session will provide examples of concrete university models for digital and flexible educational provisions. View the draft programme for more information...

Limited places are available and is by invitation only. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. For more information click here

NOW AVAILABLE: Open Praxis issue, vol. 9 issue 1

In this first issue of Open Praxis in 2017, some illustrative statistics and information about Open Praxis development is briefly reported on.

After the brief report, what follows is an introduction to the first Open Praxis issue in volume 9, which includes seven articles in the research papers section and one innovative practice paper.

  1. For whom, and for what? Not-yetness and thinking beyond open content

  2. Lay Theories Regarding Computer-Mediated Communication in Remote Collaboration

  3. Implementing the First Cross-border Professional Development Online Course through International E-mentoring: Reflections and Perspectives

  4. A MOOC approach for training researchers in developing countries

  5. Current Status of the MOOC Movement in the World and Reaction of the Turkish Higher Education Institutions

  6. Analysis of Student and Faculty Perceptions of Textbook Costs in Higher Education

  7. Measures of student success with textbook transformations: the Affordable Learning Georgia Initiative

About the academic impact: citations to Open Praxis in scientific publications (journals, conference proceedings, books and other specialized works) have progressively increased since the relaunching of the journal in 2013 (figure 2). Open Praxis h-index is 20 (source: Google Scholar, March 20th, 2017).

More information here...


Sponsors are invited for the ICDE Global Doctoral Consortium

Together with its partner institutions – ICDE can inform that the ICDE Global Doctoral Consortium (GDC) has been an initiative growing beyond our projections. Having estimated around 50 Ph.D students taking part in the community by the end of 2017, the GDC is already a lively global community with over 140 Ph.D. students related to the research fields of online, open, flexible and technology enhanced learning.

Interested companies, institutions and organizations click here for more information.


You are invited to take part in an important survey

We expect valuable knowledge to be available from an ongoing study on “Models for online, open, flexible and technology enhanced higher education”. ICDE has together with core partners, institutions, governments and UNESCO, initiated a global study on delivery models for online, open, flexible and technology enhanced higher education. A research team is now mapping relevant cases. The questions in the survey cover existing practice of online, open, flexible and technology enhanced higher education across the globe, with a focus on what works, which have become common practice for some providers, and could indicate a pathway to scaling innovation for others.

We need your help to map the relevant cases around the globe. Please take part and encourage other institutions to do the same, here:



The ICDE Leadership Summit 2017, Leadership: when transforming education through learning analytics and adaptive learning, 22-23 May, 2017, Nancy, France. 

For more information about the programme for the ICDE Leadership Summit 2017 and to register click here...

Visionary Leadership for Digital Transformation: Higher Education for the sustainable world we want, 24 May, 2017,  Paris, France. 
For more information click here...

27th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning: Teaching in a Digital Age – Re-Thinking Teaching & Learning, 16 -19 October, 2017, Toronto, Canada. 
For more information about the conference and to register click here...

First ICT-EDU-ACTION Conference: International Policy - Practice meeting for ICT in Higher Education, 2nd June, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
For more information and to register see this


World Learning Summit 2017 and LINQ "Smart Universities", June 6-10, in Kristiansand, Norway:  Open Call for Scientific Papers.
For more information about the 7th World Learning Summit and to register see here. Information on the open call for papers is available here.

EDEN 2017 Annual Conference in Jönköping 13-16 June 2017: "Diversity Matters"
For more information and to register see this

SADE will host a pre-conference on 13 June in connection with EDEN 2017 Annual Conference in Jönköping 13-16 June 2017. The theme for the pre-conference is "Digital Transformation and Diversity In A Swedish Context". Venue: Jönköping University, 12.00 pm - 16:00 pm. Free of charge.


GLOBETHICS Initiative for Ethics in Higher Education at Consortium Meeting 21-23 June, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
For more information see here.

 Featured ICDE Member and Partner News 

 UniSIM is now Singapore University of Social Sciences

ICDE member, SIM University (UniSIM) has been renamed the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) as part of its restructuring plans to become the country's sixth Autonomous University.  



Quality of MOOCs Survey 

The first Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs has been launched with several hundreds already having contributed but more opinions are needed. The survey will foster it through the collection of design and learning experiences and their analysis and discussion afterwards. Are you a MOOC learner, designer or facilitator? Then please take 20-30 minutes of your valuable time and complete our survey:

Calls and announcements

EADTU Conference Announcement: Call for Abstracts - Deadline for Submission May 1, 2017. The Online, Open And Flexible Higher Education Conference 2017

Nominations for 2017 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education: now open, to submit by 5 May 2017

Call for contribution: Regional Consultations on Open Educational Resources: Stakeholder Survey

Contact to share your own resources and suggestions with the global ICDE network and partners.


To stay updated on international news on open, online, distance education keep an eye on the ICDE news page.

 Events Listing


Members who wish to feature their news, events and projects, please email with the subject header ‘NEWS’. 

Become a member of ICDE


International Council For Open And Distance Education

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